Celebrating the Existence of Water

Water Mela is a performance-driven event to be organised on November 19-20th in the vicinity of Jaipur. The event will revolve around the theme of water and its significance known in the form of stories, folk music, dance performances, exhibition, installations and other ways of representation.

Through this mela we want to re-create a conscious environment on presence of water through musicians, artists, scholars, students for each attendee in the mela. We have initiated our weekend activity to drive this consciousness around masses through water walks, workshops, movie screening etc. Feel free to collaborate with us.

This is the (volunteer driven) first edition of mela happening under the leadership of Lokesh Ghiya in support with Jaipur Virasat Foundation and Creative Commune - Global.

<aside> <img src="/icons/water_gray.svg" alt="/icons/water_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Water as a resource is quintessential to sustain, required for all to nourish and build. To keep it accessible one should understand its journey. The journey involves conservation & protection techniques, methods of water management and its systems through traditional practices, cultural and folk stories and performances.


Support us in raising fund for this event Click here to donate or Scan the code ——>

             **   Water Mela Fundraiser**

         **   [Water Mela Fundraiser](<http://bit.ly/donatewatermela>)**


What to expect











                Dance performances

            Dance performances

*All images are sourced from Internet

Weekend Awareness Drive

Till the event date, we'll conduct weekend activities in the form of visits, sessions, and workshops around old/new water structures in Jaipur along with the audience of the city. The visits would be centred around driving awareness to know about water, its system and what measures can be taken individually and collectively to conserve water and its resources.

Events Conducted


Community Partners

Creative Commune - Global

Creative Commune - Global

Jaipur Virasat Foundation

Jaipur Virasat Foundation

Tarun Bharat Sangh

Tarun Bharat Sangh

Event Partner

MSP -png (1).png

Venue Partner